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Granting Network Connectivity with DHCP Server

DHCP, or Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, allows an administrator to configure network settings for all clients on a central server. The DHCP clients request an IP address and other network settings from the DHCP server on the network. The DHCP server in turn leases the client an IP address within a given range or leases the client an IP address based on the MAC address of the client’s network interface card (NIC). If an IP address is assigned according to the MAC address of the client’s NIC, the same IP address can be leased to the client every time the client requests one.

DHCP makes network administration easier and less prone to error. For example, when network settings or the IP address range of a network changes, instead of changing the configuration files on each client, the administrator simply changes the configuration on the DHCP server and applies the changes. If your network consists of hundreds of clients, it is easy to see the benefits.
From the user’s point of view, DHCP can be useful for mobile computing. If a laptop is configured to use DHCP for its network settings, it can easily move from one network to another without reconfiguration or user intervention as long as the network includes a DHCP server with an available IP address for the laptop.

Configuring the Server
To configure a Red Hat Enterprise Linux system as a DHCP server, the dhcp RPM package must be installed. If it is not installed, The DHCP server can allow any system on the network to retrieve an IP address, assign systems the same IP address each time one is requested, or a combination of the two.
The DHCP service uses the /etc/dhcpd.conf configuration file. A file without any configuration options is installed at this location with the dhcp package, and a sample file is provided in /usr/share/doc/dhcp-<version>/dhcpd.conf.sample.
In older versions of DHCP, the ad-hoc DNS update scheme was available. In the current version, it is depreciated and does not work. Thus, the interim scheme is highly recommended. For more details, refer to the dhcpd.conf man page with the command man dhcpd.conf. As you can see from the sample configuration file /usr/share/doc/dhcp<version>/dhcpd.conf.sample, the first line of /etc/dhcpd.conf should define the DNS update scheme:
ddns-update-style interim;
Listing contains an example DHCP configuration file. In this example, three subnets are defined, two of which are on the same physical network. In the subnet declaration, several options including the gateway, subnet mask, and DNS server are configured for all clients in the subnet. Clients in the subnet who request an IP address are leased an IP address in the to range with the exception of the system defined in the host statement. If the system with the MAC address listed in the host statement connects, it is leased the IP address each and every time.

LISTING   Example DHCP Configuration File
ddns-update-style interim;
subnet netmask {
      #global parameters for the subnet
      option routers                       ;
      option subnet-mask            ;
      option domain-name                    “”;
      option domain-name-servers;

      range dynamic-bootp;
      default-lease-time 21600;
      max-lease-time 43200;
      # fixed address example
      host jadefox {
      hardware ethernet 12:34:56:78:AB:CD;
      shared-network third-floor {
      #global parameters for the shared network
      option routers           ;
option subnet-mask      ;
option nis-domain                   “”;
option domain-name              “”;
option domain-name-servers ;
default-lease-time                    21600;
max-lease-time                                     43200;

subnet netmask {
range dynamic-bootp;
subnet netmask {
range dynamic-bootp;

In Listing the two subnets in the shared-network grouping are on the same physical network and share all the parameters defined before the first subnet declaration within the shared-network declaration. Each subnet then has an IP address range defined for its clients.
To configure global settings for multiple declaration groups, use the group statement as shown in Listing In this example, all the options outside the two host declarations apply to both host declarations. The group statement is not limited to host statements. It can be used to declare the same options for multiple subnets, for example.

LISTING   Example group Declaration
group {
#common parameters for both host declarations
option routers                 ;
option subnet-mask      ;
option domain-name              “”;    
option domain-name-servers ;
default-lease-time                    21600;
max-lease-time                                     43200;
host printer {
option host-name “”;
hardware ethernet 01:BE:BB:5E:1A:CC;
host payroll {
option host-name “”;
hardware ethernet 02:B4:7C:43:DD:FF;

Common DHCP parameters are described For a complete list, refer to the dhcpd.conf man page with the command man dhcpd.conf.
TABLE      Common DHCP Parameters
Command                                     Description
routers                                          Router or gateway for the client’s network       configuration.
domain-name                               Domain name for the client’s network configuration.
domain-name-servers                  DNS servers for the client’s network configuration.
default-lease-time <time>            Length of client lease, in seconds, if client does not request a different lease length.
max-lease-time <time>                Maximum amount of time, in seconds, the server will lease an IP address.
min-lease-time <time>                 Minimum amount of time, in seconds, the server will lease an IP address.
local-port                                      By default, DHCP listens for request on UDP port 67. Use this option to listen on a different UDP port.
range <start-ip> <end-ip>             Range of IP addresses to lease to clients.
log-facility <facility>                     Instead of logging to /var/log/messages, log to the specified facility. Refer to the “Logging Connections” section of this chapter for details.
host-name                                     Specify a hostname for the client within a host declaration.
hardware <type> <address>         Specify the hardware address of a client such as the MAC address of an Ethernet card. <type> can be either ethernet or token-ring.
fixed-address <IP-address>           IP address that should be assigned to a specific host. Only valid within a host declaration.

After a client has successfully leased an IP address from the server, that IP address is reserved for the MAC address of the client for a specific amount of time as determined by a combination of the default-lease-time, maximum-lease-time, and minimum-lease-time parameters. This information is recorded in the /var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases file on the DHCP server to make sure an IP address isn’t assigned to more than one system at the same time.

Starting and Stopping the Server
Like the other services in Red Hat Enterprise Linux, DHCP can be started, stopped, and restarted with the service command as root. To start the server, use the service dhcpd start command. Each time the server is started, it looks for the /var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd. leases file. If it is not found, the service is not started. Before the service is started for the first time, the file must be created with the command touch /var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases.
The command service dhcpd status displays whether the service is running. The command service dhcpd restart restarts the service, including re-reading the configuration file. Remember that the dhcpd service must be restarted after the configuration file is modified.
To configure the DHCP service to start automatically at boot time, use the command:
chkconfig dhcpd on
The DHCP server also looks for the /etc/sysconfig/dhcpd configuration file on startup. It is not required, but it can be used to define command-line options to dhcpd. The default file contains the following lines:
# Command line options here
For example, to only listen for connections on a specific network interface:

This argument is useful for a DHCP server with separate network cards for traffic inside and outside a private network. For security reasons, the DHCP server should only listen for client connections on the NIC configured for internal traffic.
Additional command-line options are explained in the man page for dhcpd. Use the command man dhcpd to read it.

Logging Connections
By default, log messages from the DHCP server are written to /var/log/messages.
However, DHCP supports logging to a separate file by adding the following statement to the top of dhcpd.conf:
log-facility <facility>;
For example, to use the local7 facility of syslog, use the following line:
log-facility local7;
The /etc/syslog.conf file must also be modified to include the following:
#Log DHCP daemon messages to separate file
local7.* /var/log/dhcpd.log
You can use a different name for the log file, but the syslog.conf line must include its full path and it must be created with the same permissions as the /var/log/messages file. Also restart syslog to enable the change (as the root user):
service syslog restart
Because the log-facility statement is not read until dhcpd.conf is read, all logs before reading the configuration file are still written to /var/log/messages.
For more details on log facilities, refer to the syslog and syslog.conf man pages.


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