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Installation Redhat enterprise linux 6 step by step

    1. Insert the Bootable DVD of RHEL 6

After Booting from DVD you will get above screen. Select Install or Upgrade an Existing System and press Enter.
If you get the following screen then let Anaconda take another step.

 Select your preferred Language and Select Keyboard Layout.

In Following Screen you will be able to see 4 Installation Methods, Let me explain Methods here:-
  • Local CD/DVD – It is obvious that If you use CD/DVD media then Choose this option.
  • Hard Drive – Select this if you have dumped your source into any other Linux partition.
  • NFS Directory – You can select this option if you have configured NFS server.
  • URL – Select this if you want to install using FTP or HTTP Source link. 
 So for step by step installation of RHEL 6 I had Local CD/DVD Installation Method.
If you are not sure about your media then select OK to verify else select Skip.
If your media is fine till now it will take you to the Graphical Installation Screen of RHEL 6 Installation.  Please wait for few minutes after getting following screen

Now you can see the first screen after Getting GUI Installation Wizard as follow Click on NEXT to Continue…
Because we are installation Release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux you will get warning of pre-release version. Have a look at following screen….

Now, for installation RHEL there is two storage options are available let me explain bit…..
Basic Storage Devices – Select this if you are installation on Local Hard disk or some local Storage
Specialized Storage Devices - Select this if you are installing on SAN ( Storage Area Network ) or DASD ( Direct Access Storage Devices)

Don’t worry if you don’t get following step, because if your Hard disk is blank then only you will get following screen.

Set your Hostname here. Remember FQDN hostname is always preferable (i.e. and Click Next and configure network during installation then click on Configure Network and Configure your Network by Editing Ethernet Cards.

Select  root Password here.

Now Create Custom Layout because if you have windows already installed then please select  Create Custom Layout and  click on NEXT.

I have blank Hard Disk now, So If you have also got Blank Hard Disk then you will get screen like below :-
Here we’ll create only Three Most required Partitions….. You can create as per your requirement.  Now we will start creating partition………
Let’s create boot partition first. Click on Create -> Select Standard Partition, Enter /boot as Mount Point, Enter Size 500MB, and Keep all information as it is, Click on OK.

Now let’s create swap partition Click on Create -> Select Standard Partition, Select Swap as File system Type, Enter size 2000 (it should be double than RAM) and Keep all information as it is, Click on OK.

Now create root partition. Click on Create -> Select Standard Partition, Enter / as Mount Point, Select Fill to maximum allowable size and Keep all information as it is, Click on OK.
Now if everything is perfectly fine then you will jump to formatting screen to Format all your partition which you have created, here if you are not sure then reboot your system without clicking on anything. If you are sure that you want to continue then click on Write Changes to disk.
Here is the Boot Menu screen. You can set password for Grub here; you can modify booting entry here.
Different Kinds of Software packages are available so you can select as per your requirement and click NEXT. If you plan to do customize installation then click on Customize Now and Click NEXT, Select your required packages and then click next
As soon as you click Next installation will be started and after that you will get below screen to Reboot your system
After rebooting RHEL 6 Beta will be load as per screen below
You will get the “Welcome Message” click Forward Select Yes, I agree to the License Agreement and Click on Forward
If you have RHN Login then Select Yes Otherwise Select No, I prefer to register at a later time and click on Forward.
Create User and Click Forward
You can set your Date & Time Here
Enable Kdump if you want to configure it otherwise Click on Forward





Red Hat 6 RHEL Finishing Installation

Selecting RHEL 6 from grub

Description: 23. Selecting RHEL 6 from grub

Booting Red Hat 6

Description: 24. Booting Red Hat 6

Red Hat 6 Welcome screen

Description: 25. Red Hat 6 Welcome screen


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