Install Firefox in few easy steps
1. Download
Download Firefox from for Linux
Operating system.
2. Extract
The downloaded file is a compressed .bz2 archive.
GUi Mode: To extract this archive file, open the Downloads directory.
Look for a file named firefox-xxxxx.tar.bz2, right-click on it and select
"extract here".
Alternatively, you can extract the archive from the command
cd ~/Downloads/
tar xjf firefox-xx.x.x.tar.bz2
For those interested, here are the tar arguments used in the
x : eXtract
j : deal with bzipped file
f : read from a file (rather than a tape device)
The tar.bz2 archive can now be deleted.
3. Move to /opt
If you already had a previous Firefox version installed in
the /opt directory, remove it with the following command:
rm -r /opt/firefox
Now move the firefox directory – which was created in your
Downloads folder during extraction – to /opt:
mv firefox
4. Set up symbolic links
Depending on you usage pattern, follow the instructions for
case 1 OR for case 2.
Case 1: you want to use Firefox 10 as you default browser:
"Backup" the old Firefox launcher:
mv /usr/bin/firefox /usr/bin/firefox-old
Create a symbolic link pointing to the new Firefox version:
ln -s
/opt/firefox10/firefox /usr/bin/firefox
No need to update your icons/shortcuts, they should now
launch the new version of Firefox.
Your old Firefox version is still installed. If you want to
use it, run firefox-old in a terminal or create shortcuts/icons referring to
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